[Information] Regulations and Forms


Chief of Police

P.O. Box 30412
Los Santos Police Department
Los Santos, San Andreas 90030
206 Station Avenue
(Rev 10/2021)

  • Reinstatement Requests — OPEN

    Reinstatement requests can be made by individuals who were once Officers of the Los Santos Police Department who wish to return back to the Department. Officers shall meet the following requirements prior to filing a reinstatement request, otherwise, they may go through the recruitment process:
    • Served in the Los Santos Police Department in the last 48 months. Command Staff are exempt.
    • If lateral transfers are closed, must not have resigned from the LSSD within the last 10 days. This does not apply if lateral transfers are open.
    • (( Not currently faction banned from the LSPD. ))
    • (( No serious administrative action in the last 3 months ))
    • (( If you were terminated IC from the faction, you may apply for a reinstatement request. ))
    (( Reinstatement into the faction is a privilege and not a right, as they are merely a courtesy towards previous faction members. All those who submit a reinstatement request automatically agree to this. ))

    Additionally, Officers who have resigned from the department must wait 14 days before submitting a reinstatement request, from the moment of their resignation. This includes officers who have been terminated. (( If an officer is terminated out of character, they are to go through the recruitment process, only with explicit permission from Command Staff. This is done by sending in a reinstatement request, where permission is given by Command Staff. This also applies to terminated officers who are willing to lateral transfer. ))

    Should a reinstatement be declined and refused recruitment, the applicant may not attempt another reinstatement for at least 14 days (two weeks). (( An officer terminated due to a server ban that has been lifted for a legitimate reason, i.e. ban evading and was found to be wrongful, you may apply for reinstatement when you become unbanned and do not have to wait the 14 day period. ))
  • Reinstatement Request Format

    Reinstatement requests must be filed using the below format with all appropriate fields filled in. All reinstatement requests must be filed in the reception desk of the Los Santos Police Department.

    Topic Title: [Reinstatement] Police Rank Name

    Code: Select all

    [divbox=#eee font=black][header color=black]
    [aligntable=right,0,0,0,0,transparent,transparent][size=85](Rev 05/2020)[/size][/aligntable][/color][/size][hr][/hr][/divbox]
    [color=#FFFFFF][b]SECTION 1: PERSONAL[/b][/color]
    [divbox=#eee font=black]
    [color=#000000][b]1.[/b] YOUR FULL NAME[/color]:
    [list=none][size=85][color=#000000][b]Last:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]First:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]Middle:[/b][/color] Answer [/list][/size]
    [color=#FFFFFF][b]SECTION 2: DEPARTMENT HISTORY[/b][/color]
    [divbox=#eee font=black]
    [color=#000000][b]2.[/b] DEPARTMENT HISTORY[/color]:
    [list=none][size=85][color=#000000][b]Position:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]Date of resignation/termination:[/b][/color] DD/MMM/YYYY
    [color=#000000][b]Resignation/termination record:[/b][/color] [url=link]Access[/url][/size]
    [color=#FFFFFF][b]SECTION 3: STATE AGENCY POSITIONS[/b][/color]
    [color=#000000][size=95][b]NOTE: If you have been employed by another state agency during your length of absence, you are required to fill the fields below.[/b][/size]
    [divbox=#eee font=black]
    [color=#000000][b]3.[/b] LIST AGENCIES[/color]:
    [list=none][size=85][color=#000000][b]Name of agency:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]Position:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]Date of resignation/termination:[/b][/color] DD/MMM/YYYY[/size]
    [size=85][color=#000000][b]Name of agency:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]Position:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]Date of resignation/termination:[/b][/color] [color=#000000]DD/MMM/YYYY[/color][/size]
    [color=#FFFFFF][b]SECTION 4: OUT OF CHARACTER[/b][/color]
    [b][size=95][color=#000000]The information in this section is Out of Character information only.[/color]
    [color=#000000]Your admin record may only be edited to blackout/blur your IP Address.[/color][/size][/b]
    [divbox=#eee font=black]
    [color=#000000][b]4.[/b] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION[/color]:
    [list=none][size=85][color=#000000][b]Link to your LS-RP forum account:[/b][/color] [url=Forum Link]Access[/url]
    [color=#000000][b]List all current and past character names, on every account, and their levels:[/b][/color] 
    [color=transparent]plhdr[/color]Add each character on 1 line.
    [color=transparent]plhdr[/color]Add each character on 1 line.
    [color=transparent]plhdr[/color]Add each character on 1 line.
    [color=#000000][b]Link an unedited screenshot of your admin record for all your characters on every account:[/b][/color][spoiler][img]image here[/img][/spoiler]
    [color=#000000][b]Why did you previously leave the faction?:[/b][/color] Answer.
    [color=#000000][b]If you are currently in another official faction, what is the name of the faction?:[/b][/color] Answer.
    [color=#000000][b]If yes, provide the link to your double faction approval from the LSPD:[/b][/color] [url=link]Access[/url].[/size]
    [color=#000000][b]Are you currently banned from any other legal factions? If so, provide their name(s):[/b][/color] Answer.

  • Lateral Transfer Requests — OPEN

    Transfer requests can be made by Deputy Sheriffs or above who are currently employed with the Los Santos Sheriff's Department and would like to transfer to the Los Santos Police Department.

    Employees of the Los Santos Sheriff's Department may only submit a transfer request if they have resigned within 24 hours of posting their transfer request. Ex Police Officers who have transferred to the Sheriff's Department and wish to return must wait 21 days from their initial transfer request.

    (( Members of the Sheriff's Department must verify their forum account in this topic. Furthermore, talking negatively of the Sheriff's Department whilst you are attempting to transfer will result in an automatic denial of your transfer request. Members who have recently transferred from the Los Santos Sheriff's Department and who wish to name-change must follow the same process as current faction members.

    Executive Staff and Command Staff may file a lateral transfer request even if they are not current faction members within LSSD.

    Faction hopping (the act of transferring back and forth between the PD and SD) or repeated resignations from the Police Department, reinstating, leaving again, and so on will be dealt with on a case by case basis and may result in permanent dismissal/denial from the faction. ))

    (( Regardless of rank, you must have been a member of the LSSD for the past 28 days to be eligible to transfer. ))

    Lateral Transfer Request Format

    Transfer requests must be filed using the below format with all appropriate fields filled in. All Transfer requests must be filed in the reception desk of the Los Santos Police Department.

    Topic Title: [Lateral Transfer] Rank Name

    Code: Select all

    [divbox=#eee font=black][header color=black]
    [size=105][color=#A3A9C1][b]LATERAL TRANSFER REQUEST — POLICE OFFICER[/b]
    [aligntable=right,0,0,0,0,transparent,transparent][size=85](Rev 05/2020)[/size][/aligntable][/color][/size][hr][/hr][/divbox]
    [color=#FFFFFF][b]SECTION 1: PERSONAL[/b][/color]
    [divbox=#eee font=black]
    [color=#000000][b]1.[/b] YOUR FULL NAME[/color]:
    [list=none][size=85][color=#000000][b]Last:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]First:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]Middle:[/b][/color] Answer [/list][/size]
    [color=#FFFFFF][b]SECTION 2: EMPLOYMENT HISTORY[/b][/color]
    [divbox=#eee font=black]
    [color=#000000][b]2.[/b] EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION[/color]:
    [list=none][size=85][color=#000000][b]Position:[/b][/color] Answer
    [color=#000000][b]Date of resignation/termination:[/b][/color] DD/MMM/YYYY
    [color=#000000][b]Comments:[/b][/color] Answer [/list][/size][/divbox]
    [color=#FFFFFF][b]SECTION 3: OUT OF CHARACTER[/b][/color]
    [b][size=95][color=#000000]The information in this section is Out of Character information only.[/color]
    [color=#000000]Your admin record may only be edited to blackout/blur your IP Address.[/color][/size][/b]
    [divbox=#eee font=black]
    [color=#000000][b]3.[/b] OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION[/color]:
    [list=none][size=85][color=#000000][b]Link to your LSSD transfer verification topic:[/b][/color] [url=Forum Link]Access[/url]
    [b]Link to your LS-RP forum account:[/b] [url=Forum Link]Access[/url]
    [color=#000000][b]List all current and past character names, on every account, and their levels:[/b][/color] 
    [color=transparent]plhdr[/color]Add each character on 1 line.
    [color=transparent]plhdr[/color]Add each character on 1 line.
    [color=transparent]plhdr[/color]Add each character on 1 line.
    [color=#000000][b]Link an unedited screenshot of your admin record for all your characters on every account:[/b][/color][spoiler][img]image here[/img][/spoiler]
    [color=#000000][b]Why did you leave the LSSD?:[/b][/color] Answer.
    [color=#000000][b]If you are currently in another official faction, what is the name of the faction?:[/b][/color] Answer.
    [color=#000000][b]If yes, provide the link to your double faction approval from the LSPD:[/b][/color] [url=link]Access[/url].[/size]

Re: [Information] Regulations and Forms


(( Note: Faction members who have been in the faction before September 2021 may choose to go through the employment process without submitting a reinstatement request. ))

This was added due to the SAMP slate being wiped clean, therefore, faction members who do not wish to make an attempt at receiving a rank within the faction can circumvent the process and go through the employment process directly. The date is final and will not be amended.

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