  1. Forum

    1. Police Officer Employment

      11 Topics 46 Posts

      Police Officer Employment provides future applicants with information on applying to become a Police Officer, including basic requirements, application forms, and FAQ pages.

      Moderators: LSPD Staff Officers, LSPD Command Officers, ASB: Personnel and Training Division Command, ASB: Command Staff, ASB: Personnel and Training Division, ASB: Personnel and Training Division Supervisors
      11 Topics
      46 Posts
    2. Civilian Employment Opportunities

      4 Topics 6 Posts

      Civilian (non-sworn) employees are responsible for a variety of administrative, technical, scientific, and administrative support functions across the Department. The civilian employees of the LSPD work together with the sworn officers in meeting the community’s law enforcement and public safety needs.

      Moderators: LSPD Staff Officers, LSPD Command Officers, ASB: Personnel and Training Division Command, ASB: Command Staff, ASB: Personnel and Training Division, ASB: Personnel and Training Division Supervisors
      4 Topics
      6 Posts
    3. Reinstatements and Transfers

      4 Topics 30 Posts

      Reinstatements and Transfers is an area for former LSPD Officers to apply to be reinstated into the department and also an area for law enforcement officers from other agencies seeking employment in the LSPD.

      Moderators: LSPD Staff Officers, LSPD Command Officers
      4 Topics
      30 Posts
  1. Topics

    1. Questions and Answers

      59 Replies 16903 Views

      by Police Personnel,

      59 Replies
    2. Personnel and Training Division — Appeal Procedure

      0 Replies 2556 Views

      by Police Personnel,

      0 Replies
    3. City of Los Santos Background Standards

      0 Replies 2639 Views

      by Los Santos Police,

      0 Replies

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