Press Pass Policy


Los Santos Police Department
Media Relations Division


The exclusive purpose of LSPD news media identification cards (media card) shall be to enable the bearer to pass through established police and/or fire lines within the City of Los Santos in order to cover news events occurring behind such lines. The LSPD media card does not grant the bearer the right to cross established police and/or fire lines at the bearer’s discretion.

Note: The Public Information Officer (PIO) or incident commander, may deny public and/or media to pass established police and/or fire lines in the exercise of his/her reasonable discretion. Such discretion may be exercised when public or personal safety may be jeopardized, to preserve the integrity of a crime scene, or to provide safe access to first responding personnel, but shall not be limited to these bases.

  • Hostage scenarios
  • Bank robberies
  • Barricaded suspects
  • Arsons

Full-time employees of News Organizations:
  1. Complete the News Media Identification Card Application. Applications should be sent to the Media Relations Division and must be signed by news director, editor, or person in charge, stating that the applicant is a full-time employee of that particular news agency who regularly covers news events at which police and/or fire lines within the city of Los Santos are established.
  2. Once the application is received the Department will take a background and clearance check against the applicant, once this has been approved the applicant will be informed of the results and may or may not be issued the media card.
Freelancer Media Applicants
  1. Complete the News Media Identification Card Application. Applications should be sent to the Media Relations Division.
  2. In order to verify your work as a journalist you must send us copies of your publications.
  3. Once the application is received the Department will take a background and clearance check against the applicant, once this has been approved the applicant will be informed of the results and may or may not be issued the media card.
Denial or Revocation of a Media Card:

The media card remains the property of LSPD and is subject to denial or revocation by the Department. The Department, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, may deny or revoke a media card for reasons including, but not limited to, the following:
  1. Past revocation of an LSPD media card.
  2. False or misleading statement(s) on the media card application.
  3. The media card applicant/holder has been arrested and/or convicted for offenses including but not limited to, those involving use of force or violence on the person of another, lewd conduct, forgery, embezzlement, vagrancy, or interfering or otherwise impeding the activities of law enforcement officers.
  4. If the Department deems the media card holder abused his/her media card authority.
  5. If the media card holder uses his/her media card to deceive another person, or for the purpose of committing or attempting to commit a crime.
  6. If the media card holder terminates his/her employment with a news agency, or his/her job duties no longer require maintaining an LSPD media card.
  7. In the instance that the Department denies or revokes a media card, the applicant/holder can appeal the Department’s decision. The applicant/holder must submit his/her appeal in writing to a Public Information Director, who will review the appeal and make a final determination.

(( Do not mail (PM) this application. Applications must be made in a new thread within the Press Pass Applications board and must only consist of the application format with all questions filled out. The thread title shall be containing your name in the following format: Firstname Lastname ))

Code: Select all

[font=Arial][divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
Los Santos Police Department
(Rev 03/2022)[/divbox]
[b][color=white]SECTION 1: PERSONAL[/color][/b]
[divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
[indent][b]1.[/b] Your Full Name:
[list=none]Last: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
First: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
Middle: [color=#000000]Answer[/color][/list]

[b]2.[/b] Birthdate:

[b]3.[/b] Birthplace:
[list=none][color=#000000]City, County, State, Country[/color][/list]

[b]4.[/b] Sex:
[list=none][color=#000000][—] Male
[—] Female[/color][/list]

[b]5.[/b] Race/Ethnic Category:
[list=none][color=#000000][—] Black
[—] Hispanic
[—] Asian
[—] Caucasian
[—] Pacific Islander
[—] American Indian or Alaskan Native
[—] Filipino
[—] Two or more races[/color][/list]

[b]6.[/b] Address:

[b]7.[/b] Contact Number:
[size=85]Page 1 of 4[/size]
[b][color=white]SECTION 2: EMPLOYMENT[/color][/b]
[divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
[indent][b]8.[/b] Employer: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
[list=none]If you are self-employed, PLEASE indicate.
Position/Job Title: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
Business Address: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
Work/Mobile No: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]

Provide a brief description of your job duties as it applies to the need for an LSPD media card: [color=#000000]Answer[/color][/list]
[size=85]Page 2 of 4[/size]
[b][color=white]SECTION 3: CERTIFICATION[/color][/b]
[divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
[indent][b]9.[/b] I certify that I have carefully read the information submitted on this application, and that it is true and complete. I understand any false information or withholding of information is grounds for the denial or revocation of my LSPD News Media Identification Card.

Signature in Full: [color=#000000]Firstname Lastname[/color]
[aligntable=right,0,0,0,0,transparent,transparent]Date: [color=#000000]DD/MMM/YYYY[/color][/aligntable]
[size=85]Page 3 of 4[/size]
[b][color=white](( SECTION 4: OUT OF CHARACTER ))[/color][/b]
[divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
[indent][b]10.[/b] Timezone (GMT):

[b]11.[/b] Provide a link to your LS-RP community forum account:
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Administrative Service Bureau
Los Santos Police Department — "To Protect and to Serve"

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