
Recruitment and Employment Division — Questions and Answers


Los Santos Police Department
Questions and Answers

(( In Character ))

Q: What is Step 1 of the Hiring Process?
A: Step 1 is the Preliminary Background Application. That is our online application Candidates must submit to start the Hiring Process with the Los Santos Police Department.

Q: Do I have to live in the City of Los Santos to join LSPD?
A: You do not have to live in the city, however, it will greatly benefit you if you are familiar with the city before joining the department.

Q: Will my tattoos affect my ability to become an officer?
A: It depends on the nature of the tattoo(s). Candidates with tattoos are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Candidates with tattoos who are subsequently hired must ensure that the tattoos are not visible to the public while on duty.

Q: Do I get paid while in the Police Academy?
A: Yes. Your start earning salary and benefits from your first day at the academy.

Q: How long do I have to work patrol?
A: You must complete a minimum of one-year (12 months) field probation.
(( Our Field Training Program is divided into three phases, each lasting one (1) week; for a total of twenty-one (21) days. ))

Q: How do I get a ride-along?
A: As long as you are a Recruit Officer, you're able to go on a ride-along with any patrol officer without having an active application. If you're not a recruit and wish to get a ride-along, click here for more information on the ride-along program.

Q: If I have too many tickets, will I have trouble becoming a police officer?
A: It is to be determined on a case-by-case basis, and it depends on how many and how recently the tickets were issued. The reason for the ticket is also taken into consideration, in particular, moving violations.

Q: If I've failed the Personal Qualification Essay or the Department Interview, am I able to retake it?
A: Retaking any process is not possible, unless you have sent an appeal and it has been successful. Retakes are not permitted and failing grades/decisions are final.

(( Out of Character ))

Q: How do I find the Preliminary Background Application?
A: You may find the format of the PBA by clicking here.

Q: Can I join the LSPD without having a microphone?
A: No. All members of the faction must possess a microphone and be able to speak and understand English. There are no exceptions and permission is not given out.

Q: What are the activity requirements for the LSPD?
A: The activity requirement for most ranks is on average 1 hour of being on duty for the last 30 days. You do not have to be on for 1 hour every day but rather have 1 hour as an average for the last 30 days (this roughly means 7.5 hours of on-duty time every week or 30 hours for the last 30 days).
The UCP's Faction Center will help you in keeping you updated with what your current activity is once you are in the faction.

Q: What is the "Forum Account Confirmation" field in the Application?
A: You need to post on this topic: CLICK with the LS-RP forum account that you reference in your Preliminary Background Application. This is to verify ownership. Once you have posted, you must then click the sub-title located right above your post called "Re: (( Forum account confirmation ))", and select 'Copy Link Location', pasting it into the question in your application. It is important to do this before you apply.

Q: My message(s) is/are in the Outbox. What does that mean?
A: Messages in the "Outbox" means they were successfully sent to the recipient but they have not opened/read your message. Messages in the outbox can still be edited but if the recipient opens/reads your message you will not be able to edit it (even if you were in the middle of editing it). Once your sent message is opened/read, it will be placed in the "Sent messages" folder.

Q: What's a soft disqualification?
A: A soft DQ is a temporary "ban" from the hiring process. You may not join the faction on that character until it expires. If you received an OOC soft DQ, you may not apply on any character until it expires.

Q: What's a hard disqualification?
A: A hard DQ is a permanent "ban" from the hiring process. You may not join the faction on that character. If you received an OOC hard DQ, you may not apply on any character until it is appealed and you are unbanned.

Q: How do I appeal an OOC disqualification?
A: The Points of Contact topic outlines the process of appealing any type of disqualification. Please ensure the topic is read through thoroughly and understood.

Q: I'm currently a civilian employee, is there any way I can fast-track into being a police officer? May I apply under the same character?
A: We don't offer direct fast-tracks, in the instance in where a civilian employee would like to become a police officer they must go through the standard route of creating an application on the respective forum and finishing it regularly. Usually, we would like to have people create a new character if they'd like to stay as a civilian employee and become a police officer on another.

Q: I have a complaint against a Personnel Officer. Who do I contact?
A: Message the Commanding Officer, Recruitment and Employment Division.
Administrative Services Bureau
Los Santos Police Department — "To Protect and to Serve"

Re: Questions and Answers

Charles Connor wrote: 17 Feb 2022, 20:28 (( Hello, my application was approved but it was moved and I can no longer see it due to not being given any groups. Can someone amend this? ))
It's being processed. Give it a few minutes, please.
Los Santos Police Department

Los Santos Police Department

Re: Questions and Answers

Kangjon Seong wrote: 18 Feb 2022, 19:42 How long does it take to get the Hard DQ appeal reviewed?
You'll be getting a response in 24-48 hours
Retired POLICE LIEUTENANT I Andrew Richman
Los Santos Police Department "To Protect and to Serve "
Operations-Central - Commanding Officer of Central Traffic Division
Metropolitan Division: David Platoon Special Weapons and Tactics Officer

Voted best Recruitment Officer of 2021

Re: Questions and Answers

For those of us who failed PQE, it would be great to receive some feedback on what we could focus on to perform better next time. Real-life police departments, like many other employers, would provide at least some high level feedback :)

I can imagine it's busy these days. Some of us spend hours on our application form and PQE questions, so helping us figure out what we can focus next time seems fair, and would make us better candidate next time, which is a win-win for all.

Since the PQE questions are broad and touching a few areas (both IC and OOC), I don't really know what to focus on to make it better for the next round. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Re: Questions and Answers

Tim Brinkeman wrote: 19 Feb 2022, 18:44 For those of us who failed PQE, it would be great to receive some feedback on what we could focus on to perform better next time. Real-life police departments, like many other employers, would provide at least some high level feedback :)

I can imagine it's busy these days. Some of us spend hours on our application form and PQE questions, so helping us figure out what we can focus next time seems fair, and would make us better candidate next time, which is a win-win for all.

Since the PQE questions are broad and touching a few areas (both IC and OOC), I don't really know what to focus on to make it better for the next round. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Totally agree with you here, in full support.


"Can Do, Will Do"


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