Ferruccio Mazzagatti

Los Santos Police Department
(Rev 03/2022)

1. Your Full Name: Ferruccio Mazzagatti
  • Last: Mazzagatti
    First: Ferruccio
    Middle: N/A
2. Birthdate:
  • 11/NOV/1991
3. Birthplace:
  • 13, 80141 Sicily, Italy
4. Sex:
  • [X] Male
    [—] Female
5. Race/Ethnic Category:
  • [—] Black
    [—] Hispanic
    [—] Asian
    [X] Caucasian
    [—] Pacific Islander
    [—] American Indian or Alaskan Native
    [—] Filipino
    [—] Two or more races
6. Address:
  • 769, Dupont Street, Marina Canals, Los Santos, San Andreas
7. Contact Number:
  • 1036817

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8. Employer: San Andreas Network
  • If you are self-employed, PLEASE indicate.
    Position/Job Title: News Reporter
    Business Address: Star Tower, Commerce, Los Santos
    Work/Mobile No: Same as personal.

    Provide a brief description of your job duties as it applies to the need for an LSPD media card:
    I, Ferruccio Mazzagatti, am a dedicated and versatile member of the SAN News team. I'm passionate about bringing the stories of Los Santos to life, and I take pride in my ability to inform and entertain our viewers. My primary responsibilities at SAN include:

    Content Development & Production:
    I'm constantly on the lookout for newsworthy stories, digging deep to uncover the truth and bring you the latest scoop.
    I conduct interviews with key figures and witnesses, getting to the heart of the matter and sharing their perspectives with our audience.
    I write and edit scripts for news segments and live shows, crafting compelling narratives that capture the essence of Los Santos.
    I'm also involved in the creative side, designing graphics and editing videos to enhance our broadcasts.
    And of course, I work closely with interviewees and guests, making sure they're prepared and comfortable when they step into the spotlight.

    Community Outreach & Networking:
    I believe in building strong relationships with people and organizations throughout Los Santos. It's essential for accessing information and ensuring we cover all angles of a story.
    I'm always on the move, attending events, meeting new people, and representing SAN News with professionalism and a touch of my signature charm.

    On-Air Presentation:
    Whether I'm delivering a breaking news report or hosting a lively talk show, I strive to connect with the audience and make the news both informative and entertaining.
    I conduct interviews with clarity and respect, encouraging my guests to open up and share their stories.
    And let's face it, I'm not afraid to let my personality shine through on camera. After all, news doesn't have to be boring!
    My commitment to journalistic integrity, combined with my creativity and passion for storytelling, makes me an invaluable asset to the SAN News team. I'm always eager to learn, adapt, and go the extra mile to bring you the best possible news coverage.

    In my role as a News Reporter & Producer, I often need access to sensitive information and restricted areas to provide comprehensive and accurate reporting. Granting me media access privileges with the Los Santos Police Department would significantly enhance my ability to fulfill my duties and serve the public interest.

    Thank you for considering my request.

    Ferruccio Mazzagatti
    SAN News Reporter & Producer

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9. I certify that I have carefully read the information submitted on this application, and that it is true and complete. I understand any false information or withholding of information is grounds for the denial or revocation of my LSPD News Media Identification Card.

Signature in Full: Ferruccio Mazzagatti
Date: 13/AUG/2024

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10. Timezone (GMT):
  • +1
11. Provide a link to your LS-RP community forum account:

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Last edited by Ferruccio Mazzagatti on 16 Aug 2024, 15:16, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Ferruccio Mazzagatti

Sorry, I don't understand this part:

Complete the News Media Identification Card Application. Applications should be sent to the Media Relations Division and must be signed by news director, editor, or person in charge, stating that the applicant is a full-time employee of that particular news agency who regularly covers news events at which police and/or fire lines within the city of Los Santos are established.

Where do I get my superior's signature to be signed on the form? Her name is Angela Jackson, leader of San Andrews News Network

Re: Ferruccio Mazzagatti

Ferruccio Mazzagatti wrote: 13 Aug 2024, 18:55 Sorry, I don't understand this part:

Complete the News Media Identification Card Application. Applications should be sent to the Media Relations Division and must be signed by news director, editor, or person in charge, stating that the applicant is a full-time employee of that particular news agency who regularly covers news events at which police and/or fire lines within the city of Los Santos are established.

Where do I get my superior's signature to be signed on the form? Her name is Angela Jackson, leader of San Andrews News Network
(Realistically this can be done two ways, one, which is the easiest way, just get them to comment on the forum with their signature. The other more tedious way is to make them contact us directly in character)

Re: Ferruccio Mazzagatti

Greetings, my name is Angela Jackson and i am the Head of San Andreas Network. I confirm that Mr. Ferruccio Mazzagatti is a certified member of San Andreas Network and they are actively leading and operating the Public Relations Department. A copy of my badge will be linked here, thank you.
Signature: A. Jackson.

Re: Ferruccio Mazzagatti


Chief of Police

P.O. Box 30412
Los Santos Police Department
Los Santos, San Andreas 90030
206 Station Avenue
  • September 6th, 2024

    Ferruccio Mazzagatti


    We are pleased to inform you that your application for a News Media Identification Card with the Los Santos Police Department has been accepted. Your News Media Identification Card will be made available for collection.

    Should you require any further information or have any questions regarding the use or benefits of your News Media Identification Card, please do not hesitate to contact the Officer-in-Charge, Media Relations Section.

    (( You will shortly be provided with an invite to the LSPD discord. You will be granted access to channels relevant to media collaboration/liaising. ))

    Respectfully submitted,

    ERIN LACASA, Police Officer III+1
    Acting Officer-In-Charge
    Media Relations Division



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