Meet Your LSPD Bureau Deputy Chief and Commander
Deputy Chief TBA
Commander Daniel Swenson was born on the 3rd of October in the year of 1962 in Los Santos to his father Benjamin and his mother Mary. After graduating High School he applied to a University in Los Santos and got accepted. He studied hard to get his Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, which he got after four years of studying.
In 1985, Commander Swenson applied to the Los Santos Police Department and got accepted into the academy after a thorough background process and departmental interview. Upon graduating from the academy, he passed the Field Training Program and got assigned to the Central Traffic Division. A couple of years later, he became Field Training Officer within the same division.
In 1993, Commander Swenson was promoted to the rank of Sergeant I and was assigned as the acting Assistant Commanding Officer of the Central Traffic Division due to his constant dedication and exemplary performance. He spent many years in the Central Traffic Division, receiving the rank of Lieutenant and then eventually he became the Commanding Officer and along with that, was promoted to Captain.
In 2015, Commander Swenson was promoted to the rank of Commander, being assigned as the Assistant Commanding Officer of Operations-Central Bureau. He worked really hard in the Los Santos Police Department and he was in charge of several divisions and bureaus during his tenure at this rank. In 2022, Commander Swenson was selected as the interim Chief of Police until the appointment of Chief Eric Cuevas.
After the start of the new Chief's term in 2023, Commander Swenson returned to his initial Commander assignment of Assistant Commanding Officer, Operations-Central Bureau.
Commander Swenson has one son with his wife, Emma. He is a strong supporter of the Department's Central Traffic Division as he has spent many years in said division. In his free time, he likes to travel and spend time with his wife and son.