Report Employee Misconduct / Commendation

Report Employee Misconduct



The motto of the Los Santos Police Department is "to protect and to serve." The Department is dedicated to providing the finest police service possible. In order to provide quality service to the community, we need your assistance. This is your police department. We welcome your comments and encourage you to let us know about the quality of service you receive from our employees.

If you wish to commend the actions of employees of this Department, you may do so by clicking here, writing a letter to the captain of the station in your area, or to the Chief of Police. Verbal commendations may also be given to any Department supervisor.

If you believe the conduct of an employee was inappropriate, you may file an online complaint here.

A complaint can be filed in person at any police facility of the Los Santos Police Department. Although it is not required, the Department encourages community members to make these reports in person so a supervisor has an opportunity to do a thorough initial assessment of your complaint.

If you do not wish to report your complaint in person, you may obtain a "Complaint of Employee Misconduct" form from any Los Santos Police Department facility. Complaints may also be filed online by clicking here or on the button below.

If you prefer to make your complaint by phone, you may call our 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-POLICE.

Anonymous and third-party complaints are also accepted and will be investigated to the extent that sufficient information is provided. However, if you choose to not provide your contact information, the investigators will be unable to ask you follow-up questions that might be needed for a thorough, complete investigation.

All complaints are reviewed by IAG before being assigned for investigation. However, not all complaints are investigated by IAG. Depending on the misconduct alleged, personnel complaints may be investigated by IAG investigators or at the divisional level. Complaints not investigated by IAG are assigned to the accused officer's division of assignment for investigation. Do note that complaints in which the alleged situation occurred 28 days ago or later may be disregarded without notice.

Your complaint will be investigated by a trained supervisor. The investigation may include interviews of witnesses and officers; a review of Department records, policies, and procedures; an inspection of medical records, photographs, and other evidence; and legal analysis.

The investigation of a personnel complaint and subsequent actions (including the administration of discipline when warranted) are involved and time-consuming processes. The amount of time they take depends on a number of factors and generally varies from several months to about a year. Once the process has been completed, you will be notified of the outcome in writing if you have provided your mailing address. Please note that the complainant may not be informed of the disciplinary action taken against the reported employee(s) in case of sustained complaints.

(( Internal Affairs Division aims to finalize all complaints within a reasonable timeframe. The duration varies greatly but usually should not take more than 2-3 weeks. ))

Internal Affairs Division thoroughly investigates all forwarded complaints and reviews all evidence pertaining to the incident. Upon investigation conclusion, the investigation will be forwarded to the appropriate authority, usually the Supervising Investigator, or relevant Officer-in-Charge who makes their recommendation to the Commanding Officer, Internal Affairs Division, among other authorities, and if necessary, the Chief of Police. After deliberation, the complaint will be assigned to one of the following dispositions:

Non-Disciplinary complaints:
  • Policy/Procedure
    • The facts of the case revealed that the complaint relates to Department policy/procedure and not to a specific employee's actions.
  • Employee's Actions Did Not Rise to the Level of Misconduct.
    • A preliminary investigation revealed that the allegations did not rise to the level of misconduct and/or the named employee's actions were protected by law or found to be consistent with Department policy or procedure.
  • Employee's Actions Could Have Been Different
    • The facts in the complaint revealed the employee's actions could have been different. However, the employee's act or omission is best addressed through corrective action by the employee's commanding officer. The corrective action(s) taken was:
      • Counseling;
      • Training; and/or
      • Comment card.
  • Demonstrably False
    • The complaint was demonstrably false, or, demonstrates an irrational thought process, and was consistent with the complainant's established pattern of making chronic or crank complaints.
  • Department Employee(s) Not Involved
    • The preliminary investigation revealed that the complaint did not involve a Department employee(s).
Disciplinary complaints:
  • Unfounded
    • The investigation indicated the act complained of did not occur.
  • Exonerated
    • The investigation indicated the act occurred but that the act was justified, lawful, and proper.
  • Actions Could be Different (ACBD)
    • The investigation has shown that the alleged act(s) occurred and was justified, legal and proper, but the employee could have performed to a higher standard during the reported incident.
  • Not-Resolved
    • The investigation disclosed insufficient evidence to prove or disprove clearly the allegations made.
  • Sustained
    • The investigation disclosed that the act complained of did occur and constituted misconduct; or
  • Sustained-No Penalty
    • The investigation supports sustaining the allegation; however, No Penalty is the appropriate disposition. In all cases, appropriate corrective action shall be taken which may involve but is not limited to, counseling, training, or action other than formal discipline.
  • Insufficient Evidence to Adjudicate
    • The investigation could not be thoroughly or properly investigated. This may be caused by a lack of cooperation by the complainant and/or witnesses, or the absence of a critical interview which was necessary to proceed with the investigation, and/or the available physical evidence or witnesses' statements are insufficient to adjudicate the complaint.
  • Withdrawn by the Chief of Police
    • The Chief of Police may withdraw the allegation(s) (generally sustained) or charge(s) in the best interest of the Department when:
      • On the advice of the District Attorney, imposing discipline is legally prohibited, or would subject the Department to civil liability; or,
      • In the interest of justice and/or fairness, the allegation would be better adjudicated outside the Department, e.g., by a court of competent jurisdiction, or the alleged act is minor misconduct and/or significant time has passed; or,
      • Evidence used to sustain a charge is unavailable or has been lost, stolen or destroyed; and
      • Other articulable reasons.

(( Please do note that Internal Affairs Division does not investigate out-of-character misconduct complaints. Any and all complaints of that nature must be submitted to Chief of Police John Watkins with the format found below.

Code: Select all

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]LS:RP Forum Name:[/b]

[b]Name of Faction Member(s):[/b]

[b]Date and Time of Incident:[/b] DD/MMM/YYYY
[b]Explanation of Incident:[/b] Explain what happened and what faction or server rules were violated

[b]Evidence (required):[/b] Attach chatlogs, screenshots, or video footage
It is advised that prior to sending an out-of-character complaint, should you feel that server rules have been broken by a faction member that they should be reported via the Los Santos Roleplay Report a Player forum section. ))

Re: Report Employee Misconduct / Commendation

(( All in-character complaints must be submitted to the Professional Standards Group account in a private message. ))


Code: Select all

Complaint Form

Code: Select all

[divcss=display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto auto; justify-content: space-between]
[size=170][font=Hotel]Complaint of Employee Misconduct[/font][/size]
[size=145][font=hotel][b]INTERNAL AFFAIRS DIVISION[/b][/font][/size]
[size=130][font=Hotel]QUALITY SERVICE IS YOUR RIGHT[/font][/size][/divcss]

[size=115]YOUR INFORMATION[/size][hr][/hr]
[b]FULL NAME:[/b] 

[size=115]EMPLOYEE(S) INFORMATION[/size][hr][/hr]
[b]FULL NAME:[/b]
[b]SERIAL NO.[/b]
[b]RANK:[/B] (if known)
[b]ASSIGNMENT:[/b] (if known)

[size=115]INCIDENT INFORMATION[/size][hr][/hr]

[b]DETAILS OF COMPLAINT:[/b] [list=NONE](Please state your complaint, including names, times, locations, witnesses, and any other information that would help in investigating your complaint. If employee names are unknown, explain what each employee looked like. Attach evidence if necessary.)[/list]

Re: Report Employee Misconduct / Commendation

(( All commendations must be submitted to the Commendations Board account in a private message. ))


Code: Select all

Commendation Form

Code: Select all

[divcss=display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto auto; justify-content: space-between]
[size=170][font=Hotel]Employee Commendation[/font][/size]
[size=145][font=hotel][b]ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BUREAU[/b][/font][/size][/divcss]

[size=115]YOUR INFORMATION[/size][hr][/hr]
[b]FULL NAME:[/b] 

[size=115]EMPLOYEE(S) INFORMATION[/size][hr][/hr]
[b]FULL NAME:[/b]
[b]SERIAL NO.[/b]
[b]RANK:[/B] (if known)
[b]ASSIGNMENT:[/b] (if known)

[size=115]INCIDENT INFORMATION[/size][hr][/hr]

[b]DETAILS OF COMMENDATION:[/b] [list=NONE](Please detail what would you like to commend about the employee's performance, attach evidence if necessary)[/list]

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