

Commander Timothy Kempton

Sergeant II Dominique Collins

Step 1 — Preliminary Background Application


Chief of Police

P.O. Box 30412
Los Santos Police Department
Los Santos, San Andreas 90030
206 Station Avenue
  • September 21st, 2024

    Dear Applicant,

    Your decision to join the ranks of the Los Santos Police Department will forever change who you are. Every man and woman who wears the LSPD uniform takes an oath to support and defend the laws, and citizens, of the great City of Los Santos. Our officers are dedicated to serving their community with honor and integrity, that's why we are looking for selfless individuals who have an exceptional desire to protect our city and make an impact on their community. As an LSPD officer, your work will make Los Santos a safer and more prosperous place.

    Join us, find out the benefits and obtain more information on how to become a police officer with the City of Los Santos by reading below. It is important that you carefully read our minimum requirements before applying.


    • The starting base salary for Police Officer I shall be $59,717. The officer will earn this rate until graduation from the Police Academy. Upon completion of the academy and assignment to the field as a probationary Police Officer I, the officer shall be paid $62,974. New recruits receive regular salary and benefits upon beginning Academy training. Officers are paid bi-weekly.

    • Sworn employees receive twelve days of 100 percent paid sick leave, five days at 75 percent, and five days at 50 percent, upon hiring. Employees may accumulate up to 100 days at 100 percent, 75 percent, and 50 percent paid sick leave. Employees are eligible for service-connected disability retirement from the date of graduation from basic training

    • Sworn employees receive 15 days vacation after one year of service and 23 days after ten years. Every sworn employee also receives a total of thirteen paid floating holidays per year, one day every four weeks.


    1. Read the form carefully;

    2. It is mandatory that all information requested be supplied in the manner specified. Each question on this application must be answered; leave no blanks. If a question does not apply, input "D.N.A." (without the quotation marks). An incomplete application will not be accepted.
    (( This counts for out-of-character portions as well. ))

    3. Any false statements or omissions made on this questionnaire may cause your name to be removed from the eligibility list or be cause for immediate termination if an appointment is made;

    4. Multiple questions contain checkboxes. The checkboxes that apply to you have to be checked by adding a capital "X" (i.e "[X]"). If they don't apply to you, leave the check box unchecked (i.e "[-]");

    5. If any changes happen to the information in your Preliminary Background Application Form (( including OOC information )), you are required to report it within five days to the Recruitment and Employment Division (via PM to a member of the Recruitment and Employment Division or a reply to your topic). Failure to do so may cause your name to be removed from the eligibility list or be cause for immediate termination if an appointment is made;

    6. Do not bother police officers in regards to the time of response, or anything related to your application. Doing so will result in an automatic denial of your application. Do not call 911 unless it's an emergency. You may only call 1-800-ASKLSPD for non-emergency inquiries. If you need assistance, feel free to message a member of the Recruitment and Employment Division for additional information or help regarding the application process;

    7. (( If you were a previous member of the LSPD and have resigned or been terminated from the LSPD In-Character or Out-of-Character, you may not apply via the application process without prior permission. You will need to file a Reinstatement request in the Reinstatements and Transfers board and be granted to go through the regular hiring process in order to actually go through the application process. Ensure that you link your reinstatement request after it was concluded by Command Staff, not before. ))

    8. (( You may only have 1 forum account on the LSPD forums, this is extremely crucial if you were a past member in the faction before. Having more than one forum account could lead to you being forum banned depending on the circumstances. If you are having trouble reaching your forum account then please contact a member of Command Staff or above (green name on the forum). ))

    9. (( The Application process is in-character, therefore you are not allowed to name-change during the application process. If you do so, you will have to start the process over. If there is an urgent issue regarding a name-change, contact the Commanding Officer of Recruitment and Employment Division. ))

    10. Do not mail (PM) this application. Applications must be made in a new thread within Police Officer Employment board and must only consist of the application format with all questions filled out. The thread title of the application shall be containing your name in the following format: Firstname Lastname

    Code: Select all

    [font=Arial][divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
    Los Santos Police Department
    [b][size=115]PRELIMINARY BACKGROUND APPLICATION – Police Officer[/size][/b]
    (Rev 03/2022)
    [indent][size=150]Instructions to the Applicant[/size]
    [size=100]The information you provide in this Preliminary Background Application will be used in the background investigation to assist in determining your suitability for the position of [b]City of Los Santos Police Officer[/b], in accordance with San Andreas POST Commission Regulation 1953.
    • It is your responsibility to complete this form and provide all required information.
    • This document must be filled out electronically and printed.
    • You must respond to all items and questions. If a question does not apply to you, write “DNA” (does not apply) in the space provided.
    • Send the completed form to your background investigator or the department. Do NOT send the form to POST.
    • [ooc]Your application must be titled "Firstname Lastname.[/ooc]
    • [ooc]Your answers should only replace the fields that say "Answer." It should not extend outside the color code box.[/ooc]
    • [ooc]Do not edit the application format in any way. You may add additional fields to any area or questions or replace hyperlinks with DNA.[/ooc]
    • [ooc]You may be non-select if your application is put on "Pending" status more than twice for formatting issues or missing questions. This is also the case in character.[/ooc]
    • [ooc]Upon completion of this application, your character will undergo a 'psychological evaluation'. This is entirely an NPC process. It is your responsibility to inform the Personnel and Training Division if your psychological evaluation fails or shows any concerns.[/ooc]
    There are very few [b]automatic[/b] bases for rejection. Even issues of prior misconduct, such as prior illegal drug use, driving under the influence, theft, or even arrest or conviction are usually not, in and of themselves, automatically disqualifying. However, [b]deliberate misstatements or omissions[/b] can and often will result in your application being rejected, regardless of the nature or reason for the misstatements/omissions. In fact, the number one reason individuals “fail” background investigations is because they deliberately withhold or misrepresent job-relevant information from their prospective employer.[/size]
    [b][size=125]BOTTOM LINE: You are responsible for providing complete, accurate, and truthful responses.[/size][/b]
    [size=85]Page 1 of 6[/size]
    [b][color=white]SECTION 1: PERSONAL[/color][/b]
    [divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
    [indent][b]1.[/b] Your Full Name:
    [list=none]Last: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
    First: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
    Middle: [color=#000000]Answer[/color][/list]
    [b]2.[/b] Birthdate:
    [b]3.[/b] Birthplace:
    [list=none][color=#000000]City, County, State, Country[/color][/list]
    [b]4.[/b] Sex:
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Male
    [—] Female[/color][/list]
    [b]5.[/b] Race/Ethnic Category:
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Black
    [—] Hispanic
    [—] Asian
    [—] Caucasian
    [—] Pacific Islander
    [—] American Indian or Alaskan Native
    [—] Filipino
    [—] Two or more races[/color][/list]
    [b]6.[/b] Height:
    [list=none][color=#000000]X ft X in[/color][/list]
    [b]7.[/b] Weight:
    [list=none][color=#000000]X lbs[/color][/list]
    [b]8.[/b] Address:
    [b]9.[/b] Contact Number:
    [b]10.[/b] Are you a U.S. citizen?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color]
    [list=none][b]10.1.[/b] If NO, are you a resident alien who is eligible and has applied for U.S. citizenship?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No
    [—] This does not apply to me[/color][/list][/list][/list]
    [b]11.[/b] Besides English, please list any languages that you are able to read, write, or speak in:
    [size=85]Page 2 of 6[/size]
    [b][color=white]SECTION 2: EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, AND EMPLOYMENT[/color][/b]
    [divbox=#FFFECD font=#2E3168]
    • List ALL jobs you have had, including part-time, temporary, self-employment, and volunteer. (Begin with your most current.)
    • If you have military experience, including reserve duty, enter your military base, assignments, or unit of assignment.[/list][/divbox]
    [divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
    [indent][b]12.[/b] List all high schools, colleges, and universities attended:
    [list=none]Name of School: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
    Enrollment Term: [color=#000000]DD/MMM/YYYY to DD/MMM/YYYY[/color]
    Location: [color=#000000]City, County, State, Country[/color]
    Type of Degree Earned: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
    Major/Area of Study: [color=#000000]Answer[/color][/list]
    [b]13.[/b] Job Experience:
    [list=none]Name of Employer: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
    Employment Term: [color=#000000]DD/MMM/YYYY to DD/MMM/YYYY[/color]
    Job Title/Rank: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
    Duties/Assignments: [color=#000000]Answer[/color]
    [b]14.[/b]  If you have served in the military, please indicate which branch:
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Army
    [—] Navy
    [—] Air Force
    [—] Marines
    [—] Coast Guard
    [—] National Guard/Reserves
    [—] This does not apply to me[/color]
    [size=85]Page 3 of 6[/size]
    [b][color=white]SECTION 3: MOTOR VEHICLE INFORMATION[/color][/b]
    [divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
    [indent][b]15.[/b] Do you have a valid San Andreas driver's license?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color][/list]
    [b]16.[/b] Has your driver's license ever been suspended or revoked?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color]
    [list=none][b]16.1.[/b] If YES, explain (include when, where, and circumstances):
    [b]17.[/b] Have you received any traffic citations, excluding parking tickets within the past six months?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color][/list]
    [size=85]Page 4 of 6[/size]
    [b][color=white]SECTION 4: LEGAL[/color][/b]
    [divbox=#FFFECD font=#2E3168]
    • This section requires you to report detentions, arrests, and convictions, As a peace officer applicant, you are required to disclose this information unless specifically exempted by state or federal law.
    • For the purpose of responding to [b]Question 20[/b], “illegal drugs” include the unauthorized or illegal use of prescription medications or over-the-counter drugs; it also includes the illegal use of any other substance for the purpose of getting “high".
    • For the purpose of [b]Question 22[/b], consider "under the influence" as when you may have been arrested if stopped by the police.[/list][/divbox]
    [divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
    [indent][b]18.[/b] Have you ever been detained by law enforcement for investigation, arrested, indicted, charged, or convicted of any misdemeanor or felony offense in this state or any other legal jurisdiction?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color]
    [list=none][b]18.1.[/b] If YES, explain each incident:
    [b]19.[/b] Are you aware of any pending criminal case(s) against you?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color][/list]
    [b]20.[/b] Have you ever used or experimented with any currently illegal drugs?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color]
    [list=none][b]20.1.[/b] If YES, give details including drug(s) used, most recent date, and circumstances:
    [b]21.[/b] When was the last time you drove while under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Never
    [—] Within the last 6 months
    [—] Within the last 12 months
    [—] More than 12 months ago[/color][/list]
    [b]22.[/b] Has your work performance ever been affected by your use of alcohol or drugs?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color][/list]
    [size=85]Page 5 of 6[/size]
    [b][color=white]SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION[/color][/b]
    [divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
    [indent][b]23.[/b] I hereby certify that I have personally completed and initialed each page of this form and any attached supplemental page(s), and that all statements made are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any misstatement of material fact may subject me to disqualification; or, if I have been appointed, may disqualify me from continued employment.
    Signature in Full: [color=#000000]Firstname Lastname[/color]
    [aligntable=right,0,0,0,0,transparent,transparent]Date: [color=#000000]DD/MMM/YYYY[/color][/aligntable]
    [size=85]Page 6 of 6[/size]
    [b][color=white](( SECTION 6: OUT OF CHARACTER ))[/color][/b]
    [divbox=#FFFECD font=#2E3168]
    • Do not edit or crop your admin record screenshots in [b]Question 29[/b]. The only exception to this is blacking/blurring out your IP address.
    • Prior to filling out [b]Question 34[/b], please ensure that your character background story meets the criteria stated in [url=](( NOTICE — Character Development and Expectations ))[/url].[/list][/divbox]
    [divbox=#eee font=#2E3168]
    [indent][b]24.[/b] Timezone (GMT):
    [b]25.[/b] Provide a link to your LS-RP community forum account:
    [b]26.[/b] List all current and past names under every character slot:
    [b]27.[/b] Provide unedited screenshots for admin records for all of your characters:
    [list=none][color=#000000][url=INSERT_LINK_HERE]Firstname Lastname[/url][/color][/list]
    [b]28.[/b] Provide unedited screenshots of /stats on all of your characters:
    [list=none][color=#000000]Firstname Lastname —[/color] [url=INSERT_LINK_HERE]ACCESS[/url][/list]
    [b]29.[/b] Were you previously a member of the Los Santos Police Department?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color]
    [list=none][b]29.1.[/b]  If YES, provide a link to your most recent reinstatement request:
    [b]29.2.[/b]  If YES, what was your character name, when did you leave the faction, and what was the nature of your leave?
    [b]30.[/b] Are you currently in an official faction?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color]
    [list=none][b]30.1.[/b]  If YES, provide a link to your double faction approval:
    [b]31.[/b]  Do you have TeamSpeak 3 and a working microphone?
    [list=none][color=#000000][—] Yes
    [—] No[/color][/list]
    [b]32.[/b] Attach a copy of your character's background story:
    [list=none][spoiler][color=#000000]Insert character story here.[/color][/spoiler][/list]


Administrative Services Bureau
Los Santos Police Department — "To Protect and to Serve"

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