1. Forum

    1. Ridealongs

      1 Topics 1 Posts

      Ridealongs is an area for civilians to read on how they can go on a ride-along in which they are able to observe a Police Officer at work, first hand, in the field.

      Moderator: LSPD Staff Officers
      1 Topics
      1 Posts
    2. Media Liaison

      21 Topics 36 Posts

      The Media Relations Division deals exclusively with matters related to the sharing of information between the Department and the public it serves. The MRD goal is to ensure that open lines of communication are maintained at all times with all segments of the greater Los Santos community.

      Moderators: LSPD Staff Officers, ASB: Command Staff, ASB: Media Relations Division Command
      21 Topics
      36 Posts
    3. Complaints and Commendations

      2 Topics 5 Posts

      Complaints and Commendations consist of information available to the public who wish to file a report on a police officer for misconduct or wish to commend an employee. This section also contains other miscellaneous information.

      Moderators: LSPD Staff Officers, IAG: Commanding Officer, PSB: Command
      2 Topics
      5 Posts
  1. Topics

    1. Organization Chart

      0 Replies 6571 Views

      by Office of the Chief of Police,

      0 Replies
    2. (( Verification topic for LSSD Transfers ))

      62 Replies 61837 Views

      by Los Santos Police,

      62 Replies
    3. (( FORUM NAME CHANGE — Request Form ))

      209 Replies 96789 Views

      by Los Santos Police,

      209 Replies
    4. (( DOUBLE FACTION PERMISSION — Request Form ))

      42 Replies 62779 Views

      by Los Santos Police,

      42 Replies
    5. 82 Replies

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